Our news

  • Beta Marketing

    One of the speakers at the Gaming Conference India 2011 this morning, mentioned as an aside that it was important to have high quality products when you launch, because not unlike the case of WarHammer, bad press can destroy your product. This is something that has never been more true! News travels quickly on social…


  • Listening to Customer Feedback

    Are you listening?

    Businesses spend a lot of money on polls, customer surveys, satisfaction reports and other forms of market research. Which is why it’s surprising that so few invest (a comparatively small amount) to use social media tools to analyze customer feedback. Listening & understanding client opinions should be the first stage of any marketing campaign, and…


  • Yes. Marketeers need to delegate too!

    This article by Jacquie McCarnan really resonated with me. Her breakdown of the players into 3 distinct groups was very insightful. The part that I found most interesting was the fact that within the gambit of Social Media marketing there are lots of specialist jobs. Like any department within a company you’ll need specialists with…


  • Are you milking your enquiries ?

    I was interested in buying a product on eBay but needed more information, so I sent a request to the seller. Within minutes of having sent it, he’d replied! In the next few minutes we exchanged a few notes and I bought it. This is something that retailers have understood for a long time, but…


  • Video Advertising on Steroids

    I followed a random link through to the HearSaySocial website, at first I was confused, really confused. I couldn’t find a straight answer to the simple question: “What does HearSaySocial do?” Except for a video link there was nothing really meaningful, I’ve since filed the website, into my list of websites-not-to-use-as-reference-material. The video link on…


  • (Don’t) Contact Me

    For most businesses the key purpose of their website is to help drive sales. Yes it’ll have a variety of other purposes such as customer support, reviews, media information, etc. but the most important, overwhelming objective is to fill the sales funnel. Which is why it surprises me that many companies still don’t pay any…


  • Proof that Content is King

    Buffer is a new web 2.0 service that’s been attracting a lot of attention recently. I’m not overwhelmed by the service itself, but it’s incredible how well it’s managed it’s publicity and online content. Aaron Lee does a great job of interviewing the Buffer guru here, where he explains how a very sensible approach to…


  • A 5 Step Guide to building your Social Media Strategy

    With all the buzz around Twitter and Facebook it’s hardly surprising that there are so many companies clamoring to use social media to drive sales and enhance marketing efforts. It’s not too late for your company to start. Just remember, that like any other marketing campaign, it’s going to require an investment, human resources and…