Our news

  • Recruiting for successful marketing

    Irrespective of how great your product is, or how digital you’re going to be, every company needs good marketeers. That’s why there are now dozens of agencies, consultants and hordes of CVs on recruitment sites to select from. The really good folks are usually unaffordable (at least we hope thats why they’re so expensive), There…


  • Saving your name with Vanity URLs

    It’s a well known fact that your company name is important. Most entrepreneurs spend hours, if not days deliberating the most appropriate/coolest name, and lots of mid-large firms spend plenty of money marketing & promoting their names. Which is why it surprises me as to the number of companies that don’t bother protecting their names…


  • Keep it Simple & Stupid?

    I recently read this blog post and found it remarkably insightful! In short summary, there is an incredible number of on-line spaces where you may want a presence, and they’re growing by the day. Every space you occupy needs it’s own specific type of design, planning & interaction. Beyond a point, it’s tough & expensive…


  • 1 good reason to use QR codes

    There’s only one reason why you should be using QR codes, people are lazy. Thats right. Yours truly included. I get lots of business card, emails, price lists, etc. So many that I have a seperate file and emal label for those where I still need to enter the persons contact details into my contact…


  • Who you gonna call?

    At this rate, probably the GhostBusters. It’s late. I need to send a proposal out tomorrow. The price sheet I’ve got doesn’t have the price of the equipment I need. There’s no contact information for the guy, or his company in the price-sheet. I’m not expecting an immediate response, it’s the middle of the night,…


  • Learning from local business

    There’s a lot of marketing lessons that even big corporations can learn from successful local business. Take for instance our local pharmacist, there are 8 pharmacies on our high street, all within easy walking distance of each other. Which one do you shop from? My wife is very clear, there’s only one pharmacy that goes…


  • Silence isn’t Golden

    Remember when your mum used to tell you “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything”? It was more than just your mum who preached that. Alot of people are shy to complain, so if you can’t hear customer praise or complaints; think about what they’re saying when you’re not looking. Social…


  • Being Market Driven

    I recently answered this question on LinkedIN Answers, regarding how to take an idea from inception to monetisation. We go through lots of new ideas regularly. Usually, for anything that seems promising we create a one page business plan to see if it holds together through some basic analysis. If it still looks good, then…


  • Impressive Technology

    I recently walked into a meeting with carrying an Acer Iconia tablet, on which I loaded up a copy of a proposal and some designs we were discussing. The project designs aside, the client was impressed that I’d turned up with a tablet! One of the guys commented that as a technology company it’s what…


  • Pick up the phone

    I read this article on HBR and it really resonated with me. Not from a conflict perspective though, more from a communication & personality point of view.  At some point to many businesses, people became customers, customers became statistics. But there’s lots of place left for making phone calls, speaking to someone and developing a…