Our news

  • Negative Marketing

    Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to negatively market yourself. Take for instance the JetAirways 50% off Companion Coupon, available with the Jet-Citi Platinum Card.You can’t use it if you’re booking online, calling the Jetairways booking line, or even via a travel agent. The only way is to visit their office on JC road…


  • Progress & Paperwork

    Hopefully you’ve got big plans for 2012, and there’s lots of work waiting for you to get tucked into. Normally whenever I have lots of work, I find that it becomes very difficult to keep an eye on what actual progress is being made. There’s usually so much to do, that I spend most of…


  • What has the Internet done for you in 2011?

    As 2011 closes, aside from being a great opportunity for introspection, it’s a great opportunity to examine what the Internet has done for YOU. Facebook, twitter, youtube, all brilliant. Were they of any use to you? What technologies & online trends have you benefited from? Has your SEO converted into leads or new business? Did…


  • Loyalty Campaigns

    It seems that everyone has a loyalty programme these days. Airlines, hotels, coffee shop chains, even Domino’s pizza! Does it really work? Hell yeah. Its not enough to just copy a random scheme though. You need to know what you want to achieve, what your customer wants, and you need to consider carefully how you’re…


  • Have you done your homework?

    There’s no question that first impressions count. What’s horrifying about it is the fact that you’re constantly meeting people, which means that you’ve got dozens (or possibly hundreds) of first impressions being made every day. If you want to make a solid first impression you need to do your homework. It’s not unlike preparing for…


  • Headache free Computing

     Almost every traditionally in-house IT service can now be handled via the could. There’s dozens of articles, technical papers and reviews on Cloud computing.  Most articles, including the one in the November 2011 issue of HBR, focus on a few key factors; cost & reliability. Whilst these are certainly important factors, there’s something more fundamental…


  • Clear Direction

    I recently visited a small business exhibition expecting to find lots of vibrant start-ups eager to promote their products and itching to laden me with pamphlets, flyers and other assorted expo junk. I politely refused most of the junk, but was incredibly surprised by the start-ups. Most of them had spent a hefty sum to…


  • Digital Partnerships

    Offline, we see a lot of marketing partnerships, from tent cards in a restaurant promoting a nearby theatre, flyers in bar advertising taxi companies, through to more subtle referral relationships. This type of promotion is the main stay marketing for many small companies, and even a few very large ones. And there’s no reason why…


  • Scheduling & Discipline

    I’ve not managed a post in 4 weeks, which is really terrible. So I started writing about why scheduling your content really is a much more sensible way to things, than my current spur-of-the-moment-inspired-posts mechanism. That’s when I got Chris’s latest Kitchen Table newsletter and felt motivated, and a little envious… I’d like a few…


  • Saying no gracefully

    When you get a message that doesn’t make the grade (seriousness, dollar value, time frame), it’s very tempting to ignore it. After all you get so many messages, and you’re very busy. It’s only reasonable, right? You have to prioritize how you spend your time… right? What we often forget is that someone, a potential…