Yesterday I left the office at 4pm, walked 6km through a park in the shade on a very pleasant summers day. When I reached home my children were playing with their friends outside, once they were done I took them for a quick swim. It was really good soaking in the water and letting the tension flow out of my muscles. Today wasn’t much different. I came home in time to give my eldest a hug as he arrived back from school – then had a cup of tea as they went down to play. I joined them 30 minutes later in the playground. After dinner we danced to some music, read stories and slept upside down on the bed.

It’s been a really nice few days. Some times it’s just about enjoying what’s already there. Ignoring the stresses of life and recognizing that what you have is really, really, beautiful.

Exercise and your usual daily routine are great staples – but sometimes you need to eat fattening food, get lots of sleep and enjoy a few long walks with very little to think about. It’s the best way to ensure you’re mentally & emotionally healthy.

Take a deep breath.