View from riders cafe

Building social content into everything

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Social content is quite literally everywhere. I went for a walk in the park and took photos of a dozen different things, I posted a couple on Instagram and shared a few directly with friends. I wasn’t the only one though. Almost everyone there was busy taking photos. How often do you find people taking photos of their food or a quirky looking drink when they’re at a restaurant? Sometimes you’ll actually need to wait before drinking because people are too busy or queued up to take photos of something on the table!

Everything has become a social media content opportunity. Which is why it surprises me when I visit a restaurant that doesn’t make it’s social media presence visible. Right now, I’m sitting at Riders Café and it’s beautiful. Everything from the view, the sound of the horses in the background to the smell is just fabulous. I’ve taken a few pictures (of course), but looking around the table, I have no idea if the café is even on Instagram or Twitter.


Table at Riders Cafe


Prompting your customers to share (if they’re happy) can go a long way. It’s no different to all the YouTube videos which have a “subscribe now” call out at the end. It doesn’t need to be as loud and bright as an online CTA. Something subtle that doesn’t detract from the rest of the ambiance, such as a well placed social media handle (@riderscafe) on a coaster would make it much easier for me to share my pics (and mention the café).

How are you incorporating social content opportunities into your business?